We raise Katahdin sheep, a breed that we selected for their ability to thrive on pasture. The flock follows our cattle herd in their rotation across pastures. Cattle act as dead-end hosts to sheep parasites when they precede the flock and tend to favor the taller grasses of the sward. The sheep don't mind this, as they tend to prefer the lower growing forbs, and are also happy to keep pasture "weeds" in check. This kind of complementary relationship works out great for both cattle and sheep.
Bulk Lamb Products
Bulk products can be purchased here, at our online store
Lamb Cut Price List
Contact Us if you'd like to place a custom order of meat cuts.

Ground Lamb
Our ground lamb is an easy go-to option.

Shoulder Roast

Stew Meat
A value cut of lamb meant for stewing and braising

Lamb Chops
Great on the grill or broiled

Leg of Lamb

A flavorful cut that's good for slow braises.

Good for slow braises.

Rack of Lamb
A whole rack, made up of 7 or 8 ribs. This makes an excellent roast